


Your logistic real estate experts.

Our Vision

Welcome to WS Realty, a leading real estate development company specializing in state-of-the-art industrial properties. With a focus on excellence and innovation, we design, construct, and manage warehouse facilities that meet the evolving needs of businesses in the industrial sector.

We understand that warehouses are more than storage spaces. They are vital components of efficient supply chains and the foundations of successful businesses. Our experienced team combines expertise in real estate, construction, logistics and strategic planning to create exceptional warehouse environments that empower our clients to thrive.

With a commitment to social responsibility, we develop environmentally conscious and energy-efficient warehouses that minimize our ecological footprint. We believe in forging strong partnerships with our clients and communities, working together towards sustainable growth.

Our Services

We collaborate closely with businesses of all sizes and industries to develop customized industrial real estate solutions that optimize workflows and support long-term growth. From site selection to construction and ongoing asset management, we ensure the highest standards of quality, sustainability, and compliance.

Architect Using Compass on Blueprint Construction Project

Development Management

Corporate Deal Concept


Financial, accounting, investment advisor consulting with he

Investment Advisory

Construction site




Building No. 13

Laysen Valley, Riyadh

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Tel: +966 11 207 2627

Email: info@ws-realty.com.sa